RS Bunda Group

Tentang Dr. Rika Novilya Angreiny, SpN

Dokter Spesialis Saraf yang berpraktik di RSIA Az-Zahra Palembang. Beliau dapat membantu layanan Konsultasi perihal gangguan saraf atau penyakit saraf.

dr. Rika Novilya Angreiny, Sp.N menamatkan pendidikan Spesialis Saraf di Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Sriwijaya. Beliau bergabung dengan Ikatan Dokter Indonesia (IDI) dan Perhimpunan Dokter Spesialis Saraf Indonesia (PERDOSSI).

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“Dr. Rika Novilya Angreiny, SpN” Answers

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Tentang Dr. Rika Novilya Angreiny, SpN

dr. Rika Novilya Angreiny, Sp.N is a Neurologist who practices at RSIA Az-Zahra Palembang. He can assist with Consulting services regarding neurological disorders or neurological diseases.

dr. Rika Novilya Angreiny, Sp.N graduated from Neurosurgery Specialist at the Faculty of Medicine, Sriwijaya University. He joined the Indonesian Doctors Association (IDI) and the Indonesian Neurologist Association (PERDOSSI).

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“Dr. Rika Novilya Angreiny, SpN” Answers

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