RS Bunda Group

Tentang DR. Med.dr. Tike Hari Pratikto, SpJP

Dr. Med.dr. Tike Hari Pratikto, Sp.JP (K), FIHA, FICA adalah salah satu Dokter Spesialis Jantung dan Pembuluh Darah di RSU Bunda Jakarta. Beliau menyelesaikan pendidikan Kedokteran Umum di Universitas Kristen Indonesia kemudian memfokuskan pendidikan Spesialis Jantung dan Pembuluh Darah di Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia.

Selain itu,dr. Med.dr. Tike Hari Pratikto, Sp.JP (K) terhimpun dalam organisasi Ikatan Dokter Indonesia (IDI), Perhimpunan Dokter Spesialis Kardiovaskular Indonesia (PERKI), Perhimpunan Intervensi Kardiologi Indonesia (PIKI), German Angiology Association, dan Perkumpulan Vaskular Indonesia. Beliau memberikan bantuan pelayanan medis terkait permasalahan Jantung dan Pembuluh Darah, serta konsultasi.

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“DR. Med.dr. Tike Hari Pratikto, SpJP” Answers

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Tentang DR. Med.dr. Tike Hari Pratikto, SpJP

“Dr. Med.dr. Tike Hari Pratikto, Sp.JP (K), FIHA, FICA is a Cardiologist and Blood Vessel Specialist. Currently, he practices at RSU Bunda Jakarta and provides medical services related to the treatment of heart disease, as well as consultation.

Dr. Med.dr. Tike Hari Pratikto, Sp.JP (K) graduated from Indonesia University Apart from that, he is also a member of the Indonesian Medical Association (IDI), Indonesian Cardiovascular Specialist Association (PERKI), the Indonesian Society of Interventional Cardiology (PIKI), German Angiology Association, and Indonesian Vascular Society.

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“DR. Med.dr. Tike Hari Pratikto, SpJP” Answers

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