RS Bunda Group

Tentang Drg. Descy Darman, SpKGA

drg. Descy Darman, Sp.KGA adalah Dokter Gigi dan Mulut Spesialis Kedokteran Gigi Anak lulusan Universitas Indonesia. Selain itu. Beliau terhimpun dengan Persatuan Dokter Gigi Indonesia (PDGI).

drg. Descy Darman berpraktik di RSU Bunda Jakarta yang memberikan layanan seputar kesehatan gigi dan mulut menyeluruh, juga meliputi konsultasi.

Jadwal Dokter

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“Drg. Descy Darman, SpKGA” Answers

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Tentang Drg. Descy Darman, SpKGA

drg. Descy Darman, Sp.KGA is a dentist at RSU Bunda Jakarta. She graduated from Indonesia University. She provides comprehensive dental and oral health services, including consultation.

drg. Descy Darman, Sp.KGA is a member of the Indonesian Dentist Association (PDGI).

Doctor’s Schedule

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“Drg. Descy Darman, SpKGA” Answers

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