RSU Bunda Jakarta: Pelopor Robotic Surgery. Selengkapnya di sini.
RS Bunda Group
RSM Oncology
Dr. Rizal Sini Memorial Oncology Clinic (RSM) officially opened in March 2020. RSM Oncology believes that cancer patients and their families should benefit from treatment with new clinically relevant technologies. RSM Oncology is the commemoration of d. Rizal Sini, SpOG’s dedication as the founder of BMHS.
The existence of RSM also helps cancer patients receive integrated or multidisciplinary care. Previously, the management of cancer patients sometimes involved many referrals from one doctor to another, which confuses and causes patient dissatisfaction.
4 Services available at RSM Oncology
1. Cancer Diagnosis RSM Oncology will assist patients in diagnosing cancer as the usual first course of action. The essential thing to do in identifying cancer type is by doing a physical examination, blood tests, urine tests, imaging tests, and a biopsy. In addition to knowing the variety, this stage is also essential to know the severity and actions to prevent growth and accelerate healing in patients.
2. Treating Cancer After diagnosing and knowing the severity of cancer in the patient, RSM Oncology, through multidisciplinary specialists, will then carry out the treatment (action) stage. The level of the disease suffered so that each patient determines the treatment process and the dose of action. These treatment methods can include surgery, radiation therapy, chemotherapy, targeted therapy, and hormone therapy. The oncology specialist will also provide several types of drugs that the patient must take to reduce and minimize the side effects of some of the above cancer treatment methods.
3. Take preventive measures
After the oncology specialist has finished taking treatment, RSM Oncology will also assist the patient in taking preventive measures. Scheduled check-ups either with an oncologist or other specialist doctors are one of the solutions.
4. Palliative According to the World Health Organization (WHO), Palliative care is an approach that improves the quality of life of patients and families facing life-threatening health problems through prevention and action to reduce pain, physical, social and spiritual problems that patients face during treatment. Generally, this treatment aims at cancer patients with advanced stages. The oncologist will help the patient relieve symptoms by prescribing additional cancer pain medications during treatment. Then, the nutritionist will also monitor the cancer diet the patient lives in and overcome problems in fulfilling these nutrients. Not only cancer, people with other chronic diseases, such as Alzheimer’s disease, diabetes, HIV/AIDS, and issues with the nervous system that are hard to cure, can also take this treatment. Generally, a specialist in palliative medicine or a healthcare practitioner with specialized training carried out this treatment. However, medical specialists, nurses, nutritionists, pharmacists, therapists, psychologists, spiritual counselors, and psychologists are also involved.
SUPERIORITY The existence of RSM will shorten the time of diagnosis with the initiation of appropriate therapy. This clinic will also help patients get the best service because the multidisciplinary team members regularly hold very effective meetings. Overall, the interdisciplinary approach improves the quality of cancer patient care and is cost-effective.
1. Prof. DR. dr. Aru Wisaksono Sudoyo, SpPD-KHOM., FACP (Consultant)
2. dr. Agus Rizal, SpU (K), PhD
3. dr. Kartiwa Hadi N, SpOG (K) Onk
4. dr. Ariansah Margaluta, SpB-KBD
5. dr. Reza Musmarliansyah, SpB (K) Onk
6. dr. Hayatun Nufus, SpPD
7. dr. Kartika, SpOG-FNVOG
8. dr. Rajesh Kalwani, SpPD – KHOM
RS Bunda Group
RSM Oncology
Dr. Rizal Sini Memorial Oncology Clinic (RSM) officially opened in March 2020. RSM Oncology believes that cancer patients and their families should benefit from treatment with new clinically relevant technologies. RSM Oncology is the commemoration of d. Rizal Sini, SpOG’s dedication as the founder of BMHS.
The existence of RSM also helps cancer patients receive integrated or multidisciplinary care. Previously, the management of cancer patients sometimes involved many referrals from one doctor to another, which confuses and causes patient dissatisfaction.
4 Services available at RSM Oncology
1. Cancer Diagnosis RSM Oncology will assist patients in diagnosing cancer as the usual first course of action. The essential thing to do in identifying cancer type is by doing a physical examination, blood tests, urine tests, imaging tests, and a biopsy. In addition to knowing the variety, this stage is also essential to know the severity and actions to prevent growth and accelerate healing in patients.
2. Treating Cancer After diagnosing and knowing the severity of cancer in the patient, RSM Oncology, through multidisciplinary specialists, will then carry out the treatment (action) stage. The level of the disease suffered so that each patient determines the treatment process and the dose of action. These treatment methods can include surgery, radiation therapy, chemotherapy, targeted therapy, and hormone therapy. The oncology specialist will also provide several types of drugs that the patient must take to reduce and minimize the side effects of some of the above cancer treatment methods.
3. Take preventive measures
After the oncology specialist has finished taking treatment, RSM Oncology will also assist the patient in taking preventive measures. Scheduled check-ups either with an oncologist or other specialist doctors are one of the solutions.
4. Palliative According to the World Health Organization (WHO), Palliative care is an approach that improves the quality of life of patients and families facing life-threatening health problems through prevention and action to reduce pain, physical, social and spiritual problems that patients face during treatment. Generally, this treatment aims at cancer patients with advanced stages. The oncologist will help the patient relieve symptoms by prescribing additional cancer pain medications during treatment. Then, the nutritionist will also monitor the cancer diet the patient lives in and overcome problems in fulfilling these nutrients. Not only cancer, people with other chronic diseases, such as Alzheimer’s disease, diabetes, HIV/AIDS, and issues with the nervous system that are hard to cure, can also take this treatment. Generally, a specialist in palliative medicine or a healthcare practitioner with specialized training carried out this treatment. However, medical specialists, nurses, nutritionists, pharmacists, therapists, psychologists, spiritual counselors, and psychologists are also involved.
SUPERIORITY The existence of RSM will shorten the time of diagnosis with the initiation of appropriate therapy. This clinic will also help patients get the best service because the multidisciplinary team members regularly hold very effective meetings. Overall, the interdisciplinary approach improves the quality of cancer patient care and is cost-effective.
1. Prof. DR. dr. Aru Wisaksono Sudoyo, SpPD-KHOM., FACP (Consultant)
2. dr. Agus Rizal, SpU (K), PhD
3. dr. Kartiwa Hadi N, SpOG (K) Onk
4. dr. Ariansah Margaluta, SpB-KBD
5. dr. Reza Musmarliansyah, SpB (K) Onk
6. dr. Hayatun Nufus, SpPD
7. dr. Kartika, SpOG-FNVOG
8. dr. Rajesh Kalwani, SpPD – KHOM
RS Bunda Group
RSM Oncology
Dr. Rizal Sini Memorial Oncology Clinic (RSM) officially opened in March 2020. RSM Oncology believes that cancer patients and their families should benefit from treatment with new clinically relevant technologies. RSM Oncology is the commemoration of d. Rizal Sini, SpOG’s dedication as the founder of BMHS.
The existence of RSM also helps cancer patients receive integrated or multidisciplinary care. Previously, the management of cancer patients sometimes involved many referrals from one doctor to another, which confuses and causes patient dissatisfaction.
4 Services available at RSM Oncology
1. Cancer Diagnosis RSM Oncology will assist patients in diagnosing cancer as the usual first course of action. The essential thing to do in identifying cancer type is by doing a physical examination, blood tests, urine tests, imaging tests, and a biopsy. In addition to knowing the variety, this stage is also essential to know the severity and actions to prevent growth and accelerate healing in patients.
2. Treating Cancer After diagnosing and knowing the severity of cancer in the patient, RSM Oncology, through multidisciplinary specialists, will then carry out the treatment (action) stage. The level of the disease suffered so that each patient determines the treatment process and the dose of action. These treatment methods can include surgery, radiation therapy, chemotherapy, targeted therapy, and hormone therapy. The oncology specialist will also provide several types of drugs that the patient must take to reduce and minimize the side effects of some of the above cancer treatment methods.
3. Take preventive measures
After the oncology specialist has finished taking treatment, RSM Oncology will also assist the patient in taking preventive measures. Scheduled check-ups either with an oncologist or other specialist doctors are one of the solutions.
4. Palliative According to the World Health Organization (WHO), Palliative care is an approach that improves the quality of life of patients and families facing life-threatening health problems through prevention and action to reduce pain, physical, social and spiritual problems that patients face during treatment. Generally, this treatment aims at cancer patients with advanced stages. The oncologist will help the patient relieve symptoms by prescribing additional cancer pain medications during treatment. Then, the nutritionist will also monitor the cancer diet the patient lives in and overcome problems in fulfilling these nutrients. Not only cancer, people with other chronic diseases, such as Alzheimer’s disease, diabetes, HIV/AIDS, and issues with the nervous system that are hard to cure, can also take this treatment. Generally, a specialist in palliative medicine or a healthcare practitioner with specialized training carried out this treatment. However, medical specialists, nurses, nutritionists, pharmacists, therapists, psychologists, spiritual counselors, and psychologists are also involved.
SUPERIORITY The existence of RSM will shorten the time of diagnosis with the initiation of appropriate therapy. This clinic will also help patients get the best service because the multidisciplinary team members regularly hold very effective meetings. Overall, the interdisciplinary approach improves the quality of cancer patient care and is cost-effective.
1. Prof. DR. dr. Aru Wisaksono Sudoyo, SpPD-KHOM., FACP (Consultant)
2. dr. Agus Rizal, SpU (K), PhD
3. dr. Kartiwa Hadi N, SpOG (K) Onk
4. dr. Ariansah Margaluta, SpB-KBD
5. dr. Reza Musmarliansyah, SpB (K) Onk
6. dr. Hayatun Nufus, SpPD
7. dr. Kartika, SpOG-FNVOG
8. dr. Rajesh Kalwani, SpPD – KHOM
RS Bunda Group
RSM Oncology
Dr. Rizal Sini Memorial Oncology Clinic (RSM) resmi dibuka Maret 2020. RSM didirikan dengan keyakinan pasien kanker dan keluarga mereka harus mendapatkan manfaat dari pengobatan dengan teknologi baru yang relevan secara klinis, serta merupakan persembahan dan dedikasi khusus kepada dr. Rizal Sini, SpOG sebagai pendiri BMHS.
Keberadaan RSM pun membantu pasien kanker mendapat perawatan yang terpadu atau multidisipliner. Sebelumya penatalaksanaan pasien kanker terkadang melibatkan banyak rujukan antara bidang dokter yang satu ke dokter lainnya. Hal ini tentunya membingungkan dan menimbulkan ketidakpuasan pasien.
4 Layanan yang ada di RSM Oncology
1. Diagnosa Kanker
RSM Oncology akan membantu pasien dalam melakukan diagnosa penyakit kanker sebagai tindakan pertama yang biasa dilakukan. Hal mendasar yang akan dilakukan untuk mengidentifikasi jenis kanker yang diderita oleh pasien dengan melakukan pemeriksaan fisik, tes darah, tes urine, tes pencitraan dan juga biopsi. Selain untuk mengetahui jenisnya, tahap ini juga penting untuk mengetahui tingkat keparahan dan tindakan apa yang sebaiknya dilakukan untuk mencegah pertumbuhan dan mempercepat penyembuhan pada pasien.
2. Mengobati Kanker
Setelah melakukan diagnosa dan mengetahui tingkat keparahan kanker pada pasien, RSM Oncology melalui dokter ahli multidisiplin selanjutnya akan melakukan tahap pengobatan (tindakan). Proses pengobatan tersebut akan disesuaikan dengan tingkat penyakit yang diderita, sehingga setiap pasien akan mendapatkan dosis tindakan yang akan berbeda-beda. Metode pengobatan ini dapat berupa pembedahan, terapi radiasi, kemoterapi, terapi target dan terapi hormon. Tidak hanya itu, dokter spesialis onkologi juga akan memberikan beberapa jenis obat yang harus dikonsumsi pasien untuk mengurangi dan meminimalisir efek samping yang mungkin ditimbulkan dari beberapa metode pengobatan kanker diatas.
3. Melakukan upaya pencegahan
Setelah dokter spesialis onkologi selesai melakukan tindakan pengobatan hingga pasien benar-benar sembuh, RSM Oncology juga akan mendampingi pasien dalam melakukan upaya pencegahan. Hal ini biasanya dilakukan dalam bentuk pengontrolan rutin yang telah terjadwalkan dengan dokter, baik dengan dokter spesialis onkologi atau dokter-dokter spesialis lainnya
4. Paliatif
Perawatan paliatif menurut World Health Organization (WHO) adalah pendekatan yang meningkatkan kualitas hidup pasien dan keluarga yang menghadapi masalah kesehatan yang mengancam jiwa, melalui pencegahan dan tindakan untuk mengurangi nyeri, masalah fisik, sosial, dan spiritual yang dihadapi pasien selama pengobatan. Umumnya, perawatan ini ditujukkan pada pasien kanker dengan stadium lanjut. Dalam perawatan, dokter onkologi akan membantu pasien meringankan gejalanya dengan meresepkan obat pereda nyeri kanker tambahan. Kemudian, ahli gizi juga akan memantau diet kanker yang dijalani pasien dan mengatasi masalah dalam pemenuhan nutrisi tersebut. Tidak hanya kanker, orang-orang dengan penyakit kronis lain, seperti penyakit Alzheimer, diabetes, HIV/AIDS, dan masalah pada sistem saraf yang tidak bisa disembuhkan juga bisa mengikuti pengobatan ini. Umumnya, pengobatan ini dilakukan oleh seorang spesialis pengobatan paliatif atau praktisi kesehatan yang telah menerima pelatihan khusus. Akan tetapi, dokter spesialis penyakit, perawat, ahli gizi, apoteker, terapis, psikolog, penasihat spiritual, dan psikolog juga ikut terlibat.
Keberadaan RSM akan mempersingkat waktu diagnosis dengan awal pemberian terapi yang tepat. Klinik ini juga akan membantu pasien mendapatkan pelayanan terbaik. Hal ini dikarenakan anggota tim multidisiplin secara berkala mengadakan pertemuan yang sangat efektif. Pendekatan secara multidisiplin ini secara keseluruhan meningkatkan kualitas perawatan pasien kanker dan efektif secara biaya.
1. Prof. DR. dr. Aru Wisaksono Sudoyo, SpPD-KHOM., FACP ( Konsultan )
2. dr. Agus Rizal, SpU (K), Phd
3. dr. Kartiwa Hadi N, SpOG (K) Onk
4. dr. Ariansah Margaluta, SpB-KBD
5. dr. Reza Musmarliansyah, SpB (K) Onk
6. dr. Hayatun Nufus, SpPD
7. dr. Kartika, SpOG-FNVOG
8. dr. Rajesh Kalwani, SpPD – KHOM
RS Bunda Group
Dr. Rizal Sini Memorial Oncology Clinic (RSM) resmi dibuka Maret 2020. RSM didirikan dengan keyakinan pasien kanker dan keluarga mereka harus mendapatkan manfaat dari pengobatan dengan teknologi baru yang relevan secara klinis, serta merupakan persembahan dan dedikasi khusus kepada dr. Rizal Sini, SpOG sebagai pendiri BMHS.
Keberadaan RSM pun membantu pasien kanker mendapat perawatan yang terpadu atau multidisipliner. Sebelumya penatalaksanaan pasien kanker terkadang melibatkan banyak rujukan antara bidang dokter yang satu ke dokter lainnya. Hal ini tentunya membingungkan dan menimbulkan ketidakpuasan pasien.
1. Prof. DR. dr. Aru Wisaksono Sudoyo, SpPD-KHOM., FACP ( Konsultan )
2. dr. Agus Rizal, SpU (K), Phd
3. dr. Kartiwa Hadi N, SpOG (K) Onk
4. dr. Ariansah Margaluta, SpB-KBD
5. dr. Reza Musmarliansyah, SpB (K) Onk
6. dr. Hayatun Nufus, SpPD
7. dr. Kartika, SpOG-FNVOG
8. dr. Rajesh Kalwani, SpPD – KHOM
Enhanced Recovery After Surgery (ERAS) meminimalkan rasa nyeri, gangguan usus, kesulitan bergerak pasca operasi, dan mempercepat penyembuhan pasien.
RSM Oncology Bunda mempermudah pengobatan kanker dengan waktu diagnosis yang lebih singkat serta awal terapi sel kanker yang tepat.
Bunda Heart Center menyediakan skrining, diagnosis, dan terapi konvensional serta intervensi untuk evaluasi kesehatan jantung Anda secara menyeluruh.
Robotic Surgery adalah teknologi robot pembedahan yang pertama kali dipelopori oleh RSU Bunda Jakarta di Indonesia.
GynROSE Clinic RSU Bunda Jakarta menyediakan layanan uroginekologi dari skrining awal, USG, perineometri, labiaplasty, hysteroscopy, dan lainnya
Bunda Endoscopy Center di RSIA Bunda Jakarta menggunakan teknologi canggih dan memadai memberikan intervensi medis tanpa harus melalui pembedahan.
RS Bunda Group
Dr. Rizal Sini Memorial Oncology Clinic (RSM) resmi dibuka Maret 2020. RSM didirikan dengan keyakinan pasien kanker dan keluarga mereka harus mendapatkan manfaat dari pengobatan dengan teknologi baru yang relevan secara klinis, serta merupakan persembahan dan dedikasi khusus kepada dr. Rizal Sini, SpOG sebagai pendiri BMHS.
Keberadaan RSM pun membantu pasien kanker mendapat perawatan yang terpadu atau multidisipliner. Sebelumya penatalaksanaan pasien kanker terkadang melibatkan banyak rujukan antara bidang dokter yang satu ke dokter lainnya. Hal ini tentunya membingungkan dan menimbulkan ketidakpuasan pasien.
1. Prof. DR. dr. Aru Wisaksono Sudoyo, SpPD-KHOM., FACP ( Konsultan )
2. dr. Agus Rizal, SpU (K), Phd
3. dr. Kartiwa Hadi N, SpOG (K) Onk
4. dr. Ariansah Margaluta, SpB-KBD
5. dr. Reza Musmarliansyah, SpB (K) Onk
6. dr. Hayatun Nufus, SpPD
7. dr. Kartika, SpOG-FNVOG
8. dr. Rajesh Kalwani, SpPD – KHOM
GynROSE Clinic RSU Bunda Jakarta menyediakan layanan uroginekologi dari skrining awal, USG, perineometri, labiaplasty, hysteroscopy, dan lainnya.
Robotic Surgery menggunakan bantuan sistem robot untuk prosedur pembedahan yang lebih stabil dengan tetap dikendalikan oleh dokter. RSU Bunda Jakarta adalah yang rumah sakit Indonesia pertama yang menggunakan sistem ini dalam praktik operasinya.
Bunda Heart Center menyediakan skrining, diagnosis, dan terapi konvensional serta intervensi untuk evaluasi kesehatan jantung Anda secara menyeluruh.
RSM Oncology ditujukan untuk membantu pasien kanker mendapat perawatan terpadu dan mempersingkat waktu diagnosis dengan awal pemberian terapi yang tepat.