RS Bunda Group

Tentang Dr. Hafiz Fizalia, SpAk

dr. Hafiz Fizalia, Sp.Ak merupakan anggota Ikatan Dokter Indonesia (IDI) yang berpraktek di RSIA Bunda Ciputat sebagai Dokter Spesialis Akupuntur.

dr. Hafiz Fizalia, Sp.Ak adalah lulusan Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia dengan spesialisasi Akupuntur. Layanan medis yang beliau berikan berkaitan dengan akupuntur dan konsultasi terkait.

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“Dr. Hafiz Fizalia, SpAk” Answers

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Tentang Dr. Hafiz Fizalia, SpAk

dr. Hafiz Fizalia, Sp.Ak is a member of the Indonesian Medical Association (IDI) who practices at RSIA Bunda Ciputat as an Acupuncture Specialist.

dr. Hafiz Fizalia, Sp.Ak is a graduate of the Faculty of Medicine, University of Indonesia with a specialization in Acupuncture. The medical services he provides are related to acupuncture and consultations about it.

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“Dr. Hafiz Fizalia, SpAk” Answers

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