RS Bunda Group

Tentang Dr. Hendrizal Iscan, SpB

dr. Hendrizal Iscan, Sp.B adalah seorang Dokter Bedah Umum yang saat ini berpraktik di RSU Bunda Padang. Beliau memberikan layanan medis juga konsultasi sebelum tindakan pembedahan umum.

dr. Hendrizal Iscan, Sp.B menempuh pendidikan di Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Andalas. Beliau juga terdaftar dalam Ikatan Dokter Indonesia (IDI) dan Ikatan Ahli Bedah Indonesia (IKABI).

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“Dr. Hendrizal Iscan, SpB” Answers

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Tentang Dr. Hendrizal Iscan, SpB

dr. Hendrizal Iscan, Sp.B is a General Surgeon currently practicing at RSU Bunda Padang. He provides medical services as well as consultation before general surgery.

dr. Hendrizal Iscan, Sp.B studied Surgeon at the Faculty of Medicine, Andalas University. He is also a member of the Indonesian Medical Association (IDI) and the Indonesian Surgeon Association (IKABI).

Doctor’s Schedule

“Dr. Hendrizal Iscan, SpB” Answers

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