RS Bunda Group

Tentang Drg. Datu Permata

drg. Datu Permata merupakan Dokter Gigi dan Mulut lulusan Universitas Trisakti. Beliau berpraktik di RSIA Bunda Ciputat.

drg. Datu Permata dapat melayani pemeriksaan dan konsultasi perawatan gigi, pembersihan gigi, scaling gigi, cabut gigi, dll. Selain itu, beliau terhimpun dalam Persatuan Dokter Gigi Indonesia (PDGI).

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Tentang Drg. Datu Permata

drg. Datu Permata is a Dentist and Oral Doctor who graduated from Trisakti University. He practices at RSIA Bunda Ciputat .

drg. Datu Permata can provide dental check-ups and consultations, cleaning teeth, scaling teeth, extracting teeth, etc. In addition, he is also a member of the Indonesian Dentist Association (PDGI).

Schedule Doctor

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