RS Bunda Group

Bunda Hospital Group


Slide RSIA Bunda Jakarta telah berdiri sejak 27 Maret 1973 sebagai salah satu penyedia fasilitas dan layanan kesehatan di bawah naungan RS Bunda Group. Dengan spesialisasi kehamilan dan persalinan, RSIA Bunda Jakarta menggunakan fasilitas unggulan yang didukung dengan teknologi kedokteran inovatif untuk membantu perkembangan perawatan kesehatan ibu, anak, dan semua pasien RSIA Bunda Jakarta RSIA BUNDA JAKARTA Pelayanan Terbaik untuk Ibu
dan Buah Hati
Slide RSIA Bunda Jakarta telah berdiri sejak 27 Maret 1973 sebagai salah satu penyedia fasilitas dan layanan kesehatan di bawah naungan RS Bunda Group. Dengan spesialisasi kehamilan dan persalinan, RSIA Bunda Jakarta menggunakan fasilitas unggulan yang didukung dengan teknologi kedokteran inovatif untuk membantu perkembangan perawatan kesehatan ibu, anak, dan semua pasien RSIA Bunda Jakarta RSIA BUNDA JAKARTA Pelayanan Terbaik untuk Ibu
dan Buah Hati

Bring Innovation of Women’s Health & Children Development Center

BIC is a clinic operating under the auspices of PT. Bundamedik and BMHS. BIC provides health services to help advance the quality of women’s health and child development in Indonesia.


Location of BIC


BIC Facilities

General Polyclinic

The team of general practitioners at BIC Executive RSIA Bunda, BIC Vida Bekasi, BIC Pacific Place, and BIC Bali are ready to handle any health complaints.

Dental Polyclinic

The dental clinic of BIC Executive RSIA Bunda, BIC Vida Bekasi, BIC Pacific Place, and BIC Bali are ready to improve dental health.

Children's Polyclinic

BIC also provides pediatrician consultation and vaccinations, including Measles, DPT, HIB, Polio, MR, Rotavirus, Typhoid, and Varicella vaccines.

Internal Disease Polyclinic

This polyclinic is ready to help with any internal disease problems you face, equipped with a comfortable examination room for consultation.

Nutrition Polyclinic

BIC has poly nutrition services supported by reliable nutrition specialists to help patients fulfill their nutrition to improve their health.

Obstetrics and Gynecology Specialist (OBGYN)

BIC obstetrics and gynecology doctors use sophisticated, adequate examination technologies and methods for more optimal examination results.

Extra Care Polyclinic

This poly offers more complete health facility services and initial treatment of other medical cases that focus on patient comfort.

Home Care

BIC Executive RSIA Bunda, BIC Vida Bekasi, BIC Pacific Place, and BIC Bali provide home care services for optimal and practical health services.


BIC Executive RSIA Bunda, BIC Vida Bekasi, BIC Pacific Place, and BIC Bali pharmacies facilitate our patients' medicine retrieval.


BIC Executive RSIA Bunda, BIC Vida Bekasi, BIC Pacific Place, and BIC Bali have a laboratory unit to provide accurate examination results.


Each BIC unit provides easy referrals to other Bunda Hospital Group units for our patients' comprehensive health checks and treatment.

Indonesian Reproductive Science Institute (IRSI)

The Indonesian Reproductive Science Institute (IRSI) focuses on human reproduction and women's health to advance Indonesian medical science.


Kami Siap Melayani
Kunjungan Anda

RSU Bunda BMC Padang terletak tepat di Jl.Proklamasi No. 37, Padang, Sumatera Barat. Kami siap menerima keluhan, konsultasi, dan penanganan medis Anda serta keluarga.


Lihat Rumah Sakit Lainnya di RS Bunda Group

Selain BIC, Anda juga dapat menikmati layanan kesehatan RS Bunda Group di RSIA Bunda Jakarta, RSU Bunda Jakarta, RSU Bunda Padang, RSU Bunda Margonda, dan RSIA Citra Ananda.

Immune Booster Package

Promo Vaksin – YEPP

Vaksin Influenza

Vaksin HPV

Vaksin Qdenga

Vaksin Pneumonia


See Other Hospitals at Bunda Group Hospital

Besides BIC, you can also find our health services at Bunda Hospital Group, such as RSIA Bunda Jakarta, RSU Bunda Jakarta, RSU Bunda Padang, RSU Bunda Margonda, and RSIA Bunda Ciputat.



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