RSU Bunda Jakarta: Pelopor Robotic Surgery. Selengkapnya di sini.
RS Bunda Group
GynROSE Clinic: Understanding Women’s Health Problems and Treatment
Feminine issues or health problems in women occur at various ages, from childhood to old age. Entering the productive period, women often experience complaints in their female organs, either by increasing age, sexual activity, childbirth, or menopausal conditions.
Some of the complaints are vaginal loosening, vaginal atrophy, and vaginal dryness. Some postmenopausal women experience vaginal atrophy, leading to impaired sexual function and decreased quality of life. In addition, vaginal dryness can also occur due to a decrease in estrogen levels. This condition causes pain during intercourse and blisters on the vaginal epithelium. So what is the cause, and how to solve it?
FemiLift is one of the procedures available at the Gyn Rose Clinic at Bunda Jakarta Hospital. Committed to addressing women’s health problems and improving women’s quality of life, RSU Bunda Jakarta provides Urogynecology Services, which consist of initial screening of the patient’s condition, ultrasound, perineometer, vaginal laser procedures, labiaplasty, hysteroscopy, and others.