RS Bunda Group

Bunda Hospital Group

RSU Bunda Margonda

Slide RSIA Bunda Jakarta telah berdiri sejak 27 Maret 1973 sebagai salah satu penyedia fasilitas dan layanan kesehatan di bawah naungan RS Bunda Group. Dengan spesialisasi kehamilan dan persalinan, RSIA Bunda Jakarta menggunakan fasilitas unggulan yang didukung dengan teknologi kedokteran inovatif untuk membantu perkembangan perawatan kesehatan ibu, anak, dan semua pasien RSIA Bunda Jakarta RSIA BUNDA JAKARTA Pelayanan Terbaik untuk Ibu
dan Buah Hati
Slide RSIA Bunda Jakarta telah berdiri sejak 27 Maret 1973 sebagai salah satu penyedia fasilitas dan layanan kesehatan di bawah naungan RS Bunda Group. Dengan spesialisasi kehamilan dan persalinan, RSIA Bunda Jakarta menggunakan fasilitas unggulan yang didukung dengan teknologi kedokteran inovatif untuk membantu perkembangan perawatan kesehatan ibu, anak, dan semua pasien RSIA Bunda Jakarta RSIA BUNDA JAKARTA Pelayanan Terbaik untuk Ibu
dan Buah Hati


Always Providing Health and Maternity Services for Family

RSU Bunda Margonda is part of the Bunda Hospital Group, which provides health services for Indonesian society. From the birth process, child-care, and assistance of the pregnancy process through the IVF program, RSU Bunda Margonda is ready to help and serve you and your family’s health.


Top Services of RSU Bunda Margonda


Facilities of RSU Bunda Margonda

Inpatient Room

RSU Bunda Margonda provides treatment rooms for hospitalized patients after surgical procedures, maternity, and CDC for adults and children to support its services.

Special Medical Services

RSU Bunda Margonda has laparoscopy, one-day care, ICU, NICU, HCU, and PICU for children with intensive attention and continuous observation.

Supporting Facilities

The Emergency Room, CT-Scan, radiology, and panoramic are available at RSU Bunda Margonda to support your healthcare and development.

Other Facilities

Medical check-ups, prenatal classes, pregnancy exercises, emergency medical evacuation, to home care are also available to support your ongoing health evaluation.

Public facilities

Apart from medical facilities, RSU Bunda Margonda also has ATM facilities, a canteen, and a KIE room to increase visitor comfort.


We Are Ready To Welcome Your Visit

RSU Bunda Margonda is located right on Jl. Margonda Raya No. 28 Pondok Cina, Depok. We are ready to serve you with medical consultations and treatment.


Lihat Rumah Sakit Lainnya di RS Bunda Group

Selain RSU Bunda Margonda, Anda juga dapat menikmati layanan kesehatan RS Bunda Group di RSIA Bunda Jakarta, RSU Bunda Jakarta, Bunda International Clinic (BIC), RSIA Citra Ananda, dan RSU Bunda Padang.

Immune Booster Package

Promo Vaksin – YEPP

Vaksin Influenza

Vaksin HPV

Vaksin Qdenga

Vaksin Pneumonia


See Other Hospitals at Bunda Hospital Group

Besides RSU Bunda Margonda, you can also find our health services at Bunda Hospital Group, such as RSIA Bunda Jakarta, RSU Bunda Jakarta, BIC, RSIA Bunda Ciputat, and RSU Bunda Padang.


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