RS Bunda Group

Bunda Hospital Group

RSU Bunda Padang

Slide RSIA Bunda Jakarta telah berdiri sejak 27 Maret 1973 sebagai salah satu penyedia fasilitas dan layanan kesehatan di bawah naungan RS Bunda Group. Dengan spesialisasi kehamilan dan persalinan, RSIA Bunda Jakarta menggunakan fasilitas unggulan yang didukung dengan teknologi kedokteran inovatif untuk membantu perkembangan perawatan kesehatan ibu, anak, dan semua pasien RSIA Bunda Jakarta RSIA BUNDA JAKARTA Pelayanan Terbaik untuk Ibu
dan Buah Hati
Slide RSIA Bunda Jakarta telah berdiri sejak 27 Maret 1973 sebagai salah satu penyedia fasilitas dan layanan kesehatan di bawah naungan RS Bunda Group. Dengan spesialisasi kehamilan dan persalinan, RSIA Bunda Jakarta menggunakan fasilitas unggulan yang didukung dengan teknologi kedokteran inovatif untuk membantu perkembangan perawatan kesehatan ibu, anak, dan semua pasien RSIA Bunda Jakarta RSIA BUNDA JAKARTA Pelayanan Terbaik untuk Ibu
dan Buah Hati

RSU Bunda Padang

Providing Thorough Healthcare Services for You and Your Family

RSU Bunda Padang was built from the idea of ​​midwife Hj. Nurhima D. Muzbar. Starting from a maternity hospital in the form of an old house rented by the family of the late H. Muluk Latif, now RSU Bunda Padang is a private hospital under Bunda Hospital Group. This hospital is supported by good facilities and equipment to ensure patient’s comfort.


Top Services of RSU Bunda Padang

RSU Bunda Padang

Facilities at RSU Bunda Padang

Treatment Room

RSU Bunda Padang provides six types of inpatient rooms with individual facilities that you can choose according to your needs.


RSU Bunda Padang provides intensive care rooms for adults and infants (up to 28 days old) that handle intensive care and monitoring of vital organs for 24 hours.

One Day Care

After birth, the babies will be placed in the nursery to monitor health conditions for 24 hours by the nurses and daily doctor visits to provide care for the babies.

Morula IVF Padang

Morula IVF Padang uses laboratory tests and advanced technologies to serve and assist in preparing and implementing the IVF program.


RSU Bunda Padang collaborates with Diagnos Laboratory to serve hematology, chemistry, immunology, and microbiology examinations.

Pharmaceutical Installation

The pharmacy installation of RSU Bunda Padang operates 24 hours, has met government regulations and quality standards from the Bundamedik Healthcare System to support your health care.


RSU Bunda Padang has 24-hour radiology services for children and adults who serve examinations of Thorax X-rays, Vertebrae X-rays, Upper, and Lower Extremities X-rays, Contrast, and others.


The Emergency Unit (ER) service at RSU Bunda Padang provides first aid for emergency patients in the good hands of general practitioners.

Operating Room

The operating room of RSU Bunda Padang is equipped with state-of-the-art equipment and handled by a team of competent doctors to increase the success of your surgery.

Baby Room

The condition of the babies will be monitored for 24 hours by the nursery.

Ultrasound 2D, 3D, 4D Dimension

RSU Bunda Padang also completes its obstetric and midwifery examination facilities with 2D, 3D, and 4D Ultrasonography (USG) facilities.


RSU Bunda Padang provides physiotherapy services to help heal post-surgical/surgery conditions, impaired growth and development of children, muscle and joint pain, and others.


We Are Ready To Serve Your Visitation

RSU Bunda Padang is located right on Jl. Proklamasi No. 37, Padang, West Sumatra. We are ready to serve you with medical consultations and treatment.


See Other Hospitals at Bunda Group Hospital

Besides RSU Bunda Padang, you can also find our health services at Bunda Hospital Group, such as RSIA Bunda Jakarta, RSU Bunda Jakarta, BIC, RSU Bunda Margonda, and RSIA Bunda Ciputat.


Lihat Rumah Sakit Lainnya di RS Bunda Group

Selain RSU Bunda Padang, Anda juga dapat menikmati layanan kesehatan RS Bunda Group di RSIA Bunda Jakarta, RSU Bunda Jakarta, Bunda International Clinic (BIC), RSU Bunda Margonda, dan RSIA Citra Ananda.

Immune Booster Package

Promo Vaksin – YEPP

Vaksin Influenza

Vaksin HPV

Vaksin Qdenga

Vaksin Pneumonia

RSU Bunda Padang

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