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Hysterosalpingography (HSG) examination, also known as uterosalpingography, is an X-ray examination using contrast fluid inserted into the uterine cavity and fallopian tubes (fallopian tubes).
The purpose of HSG (Hysterosalpingography)
To find out the condition of the fallopian tubes and whether there is a blockage and its location in the fallopian tubes that can cause infertility. HSG examination can also evaluate the shape, size, and structure of the uterine cavity so that it can detect several abnormalities such as benign tumors in the uterus that grow towards the uterine cavity (submucosal uterine myoma), uterine polyps, adhesions (adhesions) to the uterine wall, or congenital abnormalities of the uterine cavity. Such as the presence of a septum in the uterus (septum). This examination can also determine the cause of recurrent miscarriage.
When is HSG Done?
After menstruation but before ovulation, which is between the 9th and 10th day of the menstrual cycle, HSG examination should not be done during menstruation because the blood vessels are in an open state, so it is feared that it will cause blockages in the blood vessels. HSG should also not be done if you have a chronic infection in the reproductive tract or pelvic area, sexually transmitted diseases, and if you have recently had uterine or fallopian tube surgery.
How to Check HSG
This examination is done in the radiology department, like when you do an X-ray. After changing into examination clothes and removing jewelry, you are asked to lie down with both thighs open (lithotomy position), like a pap smear examination. The radiologist will insert a speculum into the vagina so that the cervix is visible. Then a catheter is inserted into the uterine cavity through the cervix. Contrast fluid is injected into the uterus through the catheter, and a speculum is removed. Some X-rays will be taken when the fluid fills the uterus, enters the fallopian tube until if there is no blockage, it spills into the abdominal cavity. Usually, this procedure lasts 30 minutes. When finished, the catheter is removed, and you are asked to lie down for a few minutes, then be asked to get up and change clothes. You can eat and drink as usual before and after the examination and be asked to urinate to empty your bladder.
Does the HSG Test hurt?
You will feel some discomfort when the catheter is placed, and the contrast fluid is injected, but the pain will not last long. You will be given painkillers (anti-pain) during the examination. You may also be given antibiotics to reduce the risk of infection as a result of this test.
When can the examination results be obtained?
The results can be obtained on the same day. The radiology doctor will provide an analysis of the examination, then the obstetrician who treats you will explain what therapeutic steps you need to do if it turns out that problems are found that interfere with your fertility.
Are There Any Side Effects?
This examination is relatively safe and rarely causes complications, there is indeed a risk of allergies, but it is small because, before the examination, you will undergo a skin test first to find out whether you are allergic to the contrast fluid used or not, if you are not allergic to the contrast fluid, it can inhibit the growth of germs and increase immunity to germs because it contains antiseptic substances. X-rays are also used in controlled doses to minimize the radiation exposure you receive. You don’t need to worry if spots appear for a few days after the HSG examination. It’s normal to happen.
Can HSG Also Increase Fertility?
HSG can improve fertility in women who have had it, especially in women who have problems with their fallopian tubes. The reason is that the contrast fluid that is sprayed into the uterus can sometimes open up the blocked fallopian tubes, thus helping the woman in question get pregnant. In addition to ‘cleaning’ blockages, this examination can also straighten the fallopian tubes, stimulate ciliary cells in the fallopian tubes or increase mucous fluid in the cervix (cervical), all of which support pregnancy.
Is HSG the Same as a Uterus Blow?
HSG is different from perturbation or hydrotubation or what is known as ‘inflating uterus’. Perturbation examination uses CO2 gas that is blown into the uterus, while hydrotubation uses fluids containing antibiotics. Assessment of perturbation is generally subjective, or a kymograph recording of uterine pressure can be made. Although all these tests determine if there is a blockage in the fallopian tubes, the HSG examination provides more accurate and complete results. Through the results of X-ray photos, it can be known precisely which channel is blocked and where the blockage is. While in perturbation or hydrotubation, the location of the blockage cannot be known with certainty, as well as which channel because it can only be known that there is a blockage from changes in gas pressure when it is inserted.
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