RS Bunda Group

Cynthia Lamusu dan Surya Saputra

Cynthia Lamusu dan Surya Saputra

  • December 6, 2021

Atharva Bimasena Saputra and Ataya Tatjana Aisyah Putri, twins of Cynthia Lamusu and Surya Saputra, were born prematurely and treated in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) of RSIA Bunda Jakarta.

This causes the children of Cynthia had to undergo treatment in the NICU room.

On Mother’s Day, December 22, 2016, the whole family finally reunited at their home. “I feel grateful that the children and we can go home and gather. It’s a relief. I am a complete mother; the children are back home,” said Cynthia.

Once at home, Cynthia underwent a kind of ‘isolation’ to take care of her baby after the NICU. “For four months, my children and I cannot leave the house. They come out only in the morning sun. The doctor told us not to allow any guest to touch the babies. Given, the physical endurance of premature babies is more vulnerable. If you are sick, you can lose weight drastically. To gain weight again, it’s hard to ask for forgiveness,” said Cynthia, imitating the doctor’s advice.

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Cynthia Lamusu dan Surya Saputra

  • December 6, 2021

Atharva Bimasena Saputra dan Ataya Tatjana Aisyah Putri, anak kembar pasangan Cynthia Lamusu dan Surya Saputra, terlahir prematur dan harus dirawat di ruang Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) RSIA Bunda Jakarta.

Kedua buah hati dari isteri aktor Surya Saputra ini pun terpaksa menjalani perawatan di ruang NICU.

Tepat Hari ibu, 22 Desember 2016, seluruh keluarga pasangan ini akhirnya dapat berkumpul kembali di rumah mereka. “Saya merasa bersyukur. Anak bisa pulang dan berkumpul. Lega rasanya. Saya lengkap menjadi ibu, anak-anak kembali ke rumah,” ujar Cynthia.

Setelah dirumah, Cynthia menjalani semacam ‘isolasi” guna melakukan perawatan untuk buah hatinya pasca dari NICU. “Selama empat bulan, saya dan anak nggak keluar rumah. Mereka keluar hanya saat berjemur pagi hari. Pesan dokter agar tamu yang berkunjung tidak mengunjungi si bayi. Mengingat, daya tahan fisik bayi prematur itu lebih rentan. Kalau sakit, berat badan bisa menurun drastis. Untuk menaikan berat badannya lagi, susahnya minta ampun,” demikian Cynthia menirukan nasihat dokter.

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