RS Bunda Group

dr. Caecilia

dr. Caecilia

  • December 6, 2021

dr. Caecilia underwent insemination at a private hospital in East Jakarta in 2016 but to no avail. As a radiology doctor, she was trying to find out what was wrong with her body. One of the ways she did was an MRI examination, and found a uterine myoma of about four centimeters on her body.

After receiving a recommendation from a friend, dr. Caecilia also consulted dr. Arie Polim, Sp.OG. who recommends cleaning her myoma so give her a better chance of having children.

To implement this suggestion, dr. Caecilia chose robotic surgery, which then gave dr. Caecilia. “I hope the robotic surgery keeps on getting better and better and that Bunda will help teach the people about this method so that people will know the benefits.”

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