RS Bunda Group

Primadewi Evitasari

Primadewi Evitasari

  • December 6, 2021

Primadewi Evitasari went to a private hospital in Pondok Indah with initial indications of typhus in 2014 but did not recover, and subsequent examinations concluded that Evita had fibroids.

On sister-in-law’s recommendation, Evita went to RSIA Bunda and consulted dr. Cepi Teguh P, Sp.OG, who suggested that Evita undergo myoma removal.

Evita chose robotic surgery as a fibroid removal procedure, which gave Evita a very satisfying result. “The healing process with robotics is swift. Two to three days after the procedure, I was able to go to work. The surgical scars are tiny, like being bitten by a mosquito,”” said Evita. Evita’s recovery is also free from symptoms of frequent dizziness and low HB counts. She can also work again like before.

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