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Tentang Prof.dr. Ponco Birowo, SpU(K), Ph.D

dr. Ponco Birowo, Sp.U(K), Ph.D merupakan Dokter Spesialis Urologi yang berpengalaman. Saat ini, dr. Ponco Birowo berpraktik di RSU Bunda Jakarta sebagai Dokter Spesialis Urologi. Beliau menyelesaikan pendidikan Spesialis Urologi di Universitas Indonesia pada tahun 2005 dan meraih gelar Doktor Filosofi Ilmu Urologi di Hannover Medizinische Hochshule, Jerman pada tahun 2009.

dr. Ponco Birowo merupakan anggota Ikatan Ahli Urologi Indonesia (IAUI). Saat ini beliau menjabat sebagai Staf Pengajar Departemen Ilmu Bedah Divisi Urologi, Universitas Indonesia. Adapun layanan kesehatan yang diberikan beliau antara lain PCNL (Percutaneous Nephrolithotomy), Transplantasi Ginjal, Pemeriksaan kesuburan, konsultasi Urologi.

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Tentang Prof.dr. Ponco Birowo, SpU(K), Ph.D

dr. Ponco Birowo, Spd.U(K), Ph.D is an experienced Urology Specialist. Currently, he practices at RSU Bunda Jakarta as a Urology Specialist. He completed his Urology Specialist education at Indonesia University in 2005 and earned a Doctorate in Philosophy of Urology at the Hannover Medizinische Hochshule, Germany, in 2009.

dr. Ponco Birowo, Spd.U(K), Ph.D is a member of the Indonesian Association of Urologist (IAUI). He currently serves as a Lecturer at the Department of Surgery, Urology Division, Indonesia University. The health services he provides include PCNL (Percutaneous Nephrolithotomy), Kidney Transplant, Fertility Examination, Urology consultation.

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