RS Bunda Group

Bunda Hospital Group

RSU Citra Harapan


Comprehensive Examination for Practical and Accurate Treatment

RSU Citra Harapan is one of the Bunda Group Hospital hospitals in Bekasi. This general hospital provides various medical examination facilities with innovative technology to obtain detailed results and provide the proper treatment according to your and your family’s needs.


Top Services of RSU Citra Harapan


RSU Citra Harapan Facilities


Ambulance is one of the important facilities to transport patients both coming and going from the hospital. Citra Harapan Hospital has several ambulances that are ready to use 24 hours non-stop. Even now there is a Free Ambulance program for Inpatients with a radius of 10 km from Bunda Citra Harapan Hospital.


The drug supply department is one of the important points in a hospital. The pharmacy at Bunda Citra Harapan Hospital is ready to serve 24 hours non-stop for outpatients & inpatients.


A clinical laboratory or medical laboratory is a laboratory where various kinds of tests are performed on biological specimens to obtain information about a patient's health. The laboratory of Bunda Citra Harapan Hospital serves people in need for 24 hours non-stop.

Emergency Unit (ER)

The Emergency Unit (ER) is one of the sections in a hospital that provides initial treatment for patients suffering from illness and injury, or others. ER is the spearhead or storefront of a hospital where patients who come in conditions that are life-threatening or in an emergency need fast and appropriate help. In the ER, Bunda Citra Harapan Hospital, complete facilities such as 24-hour Ambulance Service with doctors/nurses and complete equipment are available, which are ready to pick up patients.


Radiology is a medical science to see the inside of the human body using radiation or wave radiation, both electromagnetic waves and mechanical waves. At first the frequency used was only in the form of x-rays (x-rays) but modern technological advances use very high wave (ultrasonic) scanning such as ultrasound (USG). The Radiology Unit at Citra Harapan Hospital 24 hours a day ready to serve people in need. One part of Radiology is CT-Scan which is a diagnostic support tool that has universal application for examination of all organs of the body, such as the central nervous system, muscles and bones, throat, abdominal cavity. Bunda Citra Harapan Hospital provides CT SCAN facilities

We Are Ready To Welcome Your Visit Address

RSU Citra Harapan is located right on Jl. Raya Harapan Indah, Commerce Center Area No. 3-5, Kota Harapan Indah, Pejuang, Medan Satria , Bekasi City. Postal code 17131. We are ready to receive complaints, consultations, and medical treatment for you and your family


See Other Hospitals at Bunda Hospital Group Other Hospitals

Selain RSU Bunda Citra Harapan, Anda juga dapat menikmati layanan kesehatan RS Bunda Group di RSIA Bunda Jakarta, RSU Bunda Jakarta, RSU Bunda Margonda, BIC, RSIA Bunda Ciputat, RSU Bunda Padang, dan RSIA Az Zahra. Besides RSU Bunda Citra Harapan, you can also find our health services at Bunda Hospital Group, such as RSIA Bunda Jakarta, RSU Bunda Jakarta, RSU Bunda Margonda, BIC, RSIA Bunda Ciputat, RSU Bunda Padang, and RSIA Az Zahra.


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